Doubly linked list
In computer science, a doubly linked list is a linked data structure that consists of a set of sequentially linked records called nodes. Each node contains three fields: two link fields (references to the previous and to the next node in the sequence of nodes) and one data field.
import { createDoublyLinkedList } from "algo-ds";
const doublyLinkedList = createDoublyLinkedList();
import { createDoublyLinkedList } from "algo-ds";
type NodeValueType = number | string;
const doublyLinkedList = createDoublyLinkedList<NodeValueType>();
doublyLinkedList.addFront(true); // Type error
interface Node<NodeValueType> {
value: NodeValueType;
next: Node | null;
prev: Node | null;
interface IDoublyLinkedList<NodeValueType> {
head: Node<NodeValueType> | null;
tail: Node<NodeValueType> | null;
size: number;
addFront: (value: NodeValueType) => void;
addEnd: (value: NodeValueType) => void;
removeFront: () => void;
removeEnd: () => void;
remove: (value: NodeValueType) => boolean;
clear: () => void;
contains: (value: NodeValueType) => boolean;
forEach: (fn: ForEachFunction<NodeValueType>) => void;
copyToArray: () => NodeValueType[];
isEmpty: () => boolean;
addBefore: (valueBefore: NodeValueType, value: NodeValueType) => boolean;
addAfter: (valueAfter: NodeValueType, value: NodeValueType) => boolean;
getNodeByValue: (value: NodeValueType) => Node<NodeValueType> | null;
: Node<NodeValueType> | null
- A link to the first node
Time: O(1) ```js doublyLinkedList.addFront(1); doublyLinkedList.addFront(2); doublyLinkedList.addFront(3);
doublyLinkedList.head; //-> { value: 3, prev: null, next: Node }
- **`tail`**_`: Node<NodeValueType> | null`_ - A link to the last node
> Time: **O(1)**
doublyLinkedList.tail; //-> { value: 1, prev: Node, next: null }
: number
- Number of nodes in the list
Time: O(1) ```js doublyLinkedList.addFront(1); doublyLinkedList.addFront(2); doublyLinkedList.addFront(3);
doublyLinkedList.size; //-> 3
- **`addFront(value: NodeValueType)`**_`: void`_ - Inserting an element at the front of the list.
> Time: **O(1)**
> Space: **O(1)**
doublyLinkedList.addFront({ name: "Yarik" });
doublyLinkedList.addFront({ name: "Mike" });
doublyLinkedList.addFront({ name: "Alice" });
doublyLinkedList.head; //-> { value: "Alice", prev: null, next: Node }
addEnd(value: NodeValueType)
: void
- Inserting an element at the end of the list.
Time: O(1)
Space: O(1) ```js doublyLinkedList.addEnd({ age: 12 }); doublyLinkedList.addEnd({ age: 23 }); doublyLinkedList.addEnd({ age: 45 });
doublyLinkedList.tail; //-> { value: { age: 45 }, prev: Node, next: null }
- **`removeFront()`**_`: void`_ - Remove the first node
> Time: **O(1)**
doublyLinkedList.removeFront(); // Removed the first node with value "d"
doublyLinkedList.head.value; //-> "c"
: void
- Remove the last node
Time: O(1) ```js doublyLinkedList.addFront(“a”); doublyLinkedList.addFront(“b”); doublyLinkedList.addFront(“c”); doublyLinkedList.addFront(“d”);
doublyLinkedList.removeEnd(); // // Removed the last node with value “a” doublyLinkedList.tail.value; //-> “b”
- **`remove(value: NodeValueType)`**_`: boolean`_ - Removing given value from the list
> Time: **O(n)** | **n** - number of nodes in the list
> Space: **O(1)**
doublyLinkedList.remove("a"); //-> Returns `true` because it found a node with this value
doublyLinkedList.remove("f"); //-> Returns `false` because it can't find a node with this value
doublyLinkedList.forEach(v => console.log(v)); // "d" "c" "b"
: void
- Remove all nodes
Time: O(1) ```js doublyLinkedList.addFront(“a”); doublyLinkedList.addFront(“b”); doublyLinkedList.addFront(“c”); doublyLinkedList.addFront(“d”);
doublyLinkedList.size; //-> 4 doublyLinkedList.head.value; //-> “d” doublyLinkedList.tail.value; //-> “a”
doublyLinkedList.size; //-> 0 doublyLinkedList.head; //-> null doublyLinkedList.tail; //-> null
- **`contains(value: NodeValueType)`**_`: boolean`_ - The method checks to see if a value is in the list
> Time: **O(n)** | **n** - number of nodes
doublyLinkedList.contains("a"); //-> true
doublyLinkedList.contains("h"); //-> false
forEach(fn: (value: NodeValueType, index: number) => void)
: void
- The method executes a provided function once for each node’s value.
Time: O(n) | n - number of nodes
doublyLinkedList.addFront("a"); doublyLinkedList.addFront("b"); doublyLinkedList.addFront("c"); doublyLinkedList.forEach((char, i) => console.log(`${i}:${char}`)); // "0:c" "1:b" "2:a"
: NodeValueType[]
- Create an array from the linked list
Time: O(n) n - number of nodes
Space: O(n) | n - number of nodes ```js doublyLinkedList.addFront(1); doublyLinkedList.addFront(2); doublyLinkedList.addFront(3);
const arr = doublyLinkedList.copyToArray(); // [3, 2, 1] const newArr = => n + 1); // [4, 3, 2]
doublyLinkedList.clear(); newArr.forEach(doublyLinkedList.addFront);
doublyLinkedList.head.value; //-> 2 doublyLinkedList.tail.value; //-> 4
- **`isEmpty()`**_`: boolean`_ - Checking whether the list is empty
> Time: **O(1)**
doublyLinkedList.isEmpty(); // true
doublyLinkedList.isEmpty(); // false
getNodeByValue(value: NodeValueType)
: Node<NodeValueType> | null
- Returns a node of value
Time: O(n) | n - number of nodes
const person = { name: "Yarik" }; doublyLinkedList.getNodeByValue(person); // null doublyLinkedList.addFront(person); doublyLinkedList.getNodeByValue(person); // { value: { name: "Yarik" }, prev: null, next: null }
addBefore(valueBefore: NodeValueType, value: NodeValueType)
: boolean
- Inserting before given value
Time: O(n) | n - number of nodes
doublyLinkedList.addBefore(1, 2); // false doublyLinkedList.addFront(1); doublyLinkedList.addBefore(1, 2); // true doublyLinkedList.copyToArray(); // [2, 1]
addAfter(valueAfter: NodeValueType, value: NodeValueType)
: boolean
- Inserting after given value
Time: O(n) | n - number of nodes
doublyLinkedList.addAfter(1, 2); // false doublyLinkedList.addFront(1); doublyLinkedList.addAfter(1, 2); // true doublyLinkedList.copyToArray(); // [1, 2]